Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cyberjaya-Putrajaya 'Long Kai', total of 37KM

Today rides consider as 'Long Kai' session, according to our Desmond.... no sweat at all...ha ha

Our Female Rider.....

Bob don't feel good with his gear, bising .......and no solar today....

Bob trying to cover something....??

Romeo....but still wearing the same jersey as we browse through all the picture...
Warn him if the next time still the same jersey, we will not take his picture anymore...


  1. Had good fun today. Thanks for the invitation.

    37km is excluding the overshot that I did, right? :P No wonder my bottom feels numb.

  2. ha ha, yr busy pak tor.....

  3. Hello, itu semua pasal you lah. Kept asking me to just GO STRAIGHT. And that's WHAT I did.

  4. Itu Romeo pun blur....always forgot the way..
